This was a quick drawing I did one afternoon for one of my kids. I just used regular pencil and went back with a pen so it would scan better. Most of my drawings have an unfinished look, because...well, they are sort of unfinished. I mean,
I'm finished with it, but that's because I'm bored with where the drawing is going--if you know what I mean.
I tried to enter this in the beauty contest on Neopets, but I think because I saved it as a jpeg instead of gif, it just didn't work.
Anyway, this was one of my pets, now he is with my daughter.
First time ever posting here. Just thought it looked fun!
BTW, I am in awe of the wonderful talent on this board. ... awan57.jpg
EDIT::Thanks for all the comments. Went looking through some sketch pads to post a few more pics. Wish I could spend more time with art, just drawing or learning how to. I'd love to take classes somewhere, as well.
These first few could be better with more time and care put in, especially the lioness. I didn't like the way the nose/mouth came out. But I drew this from a photograph and couldn't quite figure how to make the depths I wanted.

These last drawings were done several years ago. And I'm only posting the links, because they are sort of PG rated instead of G. Nothing horrible, just comic book heroes.
Tigra vs Kraven (anybody remember them?), Princess Koriand'r from the
Teen Titans, and
Jean Grey as the Phoenix. (btw, I hate the writing on these pics, too!...sorry)