Yeah!! It's over!!!
Congrats all around to those who made their goals!
myname7772 - several of us have lost wins over the course of the tourney and as far as we can tell, they're not coming back (I'm still missing 26, and my husband about 50). The current theory is that the game window had lost connection to the server while you were sending the scores that went missing, so according to the server, you never sent the scores - thus they didn't show up. I started restarting the game every 20 or so games (or whenever it would take longer to send scores) and haven't lost a game since doing so.
Daze - I'm sorry your computer crashed, that stinks - especially when you were so close! {{huggles}}
I pushed really hard this weekend (after crashing out on the couch Friday night, I did overtime Sat and Sun) and made it to my (second) goal (and lots of
pretty even numbers). Totals: YYB wins: 2000, SS: 150, MSN:750, making for a nice 2100 points total, and a pretty
All-Star trophy!! Admittedly, I didn't need anywhere near that many YYB wins to get to All-Star, but I figured since I was close and my husband was still playing...why not? Plus, it couldn't hurt the team...for the finals (between Thurs and Sunday), I sent 390 YYB wins, 9 SS (I didn't want to break the pretty number) and 90 MSNs. My husband was happy to make it to the bottom gold (just barely!!), so we're both happy, and far over what our original goals were!
Soooo glad that's over with! I will be going to sleep early tonight....and I do not want to see or hear that YYB game for a looooong time. see who won the tourney....{goes off to wait semi-impatiently}
Edit: Reading back I saw this:
zorg wrote:
I'm hoping that each rank has a different shop
That'd be fun.
That would be truly scary. I doubt they'll do it, though...