I think you all give your GCNs too much love really... I mean I probably had max of 10 games for mine, and the only decent ones I can remember are LoZ: Wind Waker, LoZ: Four Sword Adventures, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Soul Calibur 2, Paper Mario and Super Smash Bros Melee. I'm sure we had a few more odd ones, but the only reason we bought it was so we could play WW, and that was like 5 years after its release. (around... 2003 maybe? Can't exactly remember) We had a few odd games, and traded lots of them back for better things. Not to mention we only ever needed or bought 2 controllers for it...
Compare this to our 20-odd games for our N64, 4 controllers and many more hours of love. (So many hours it hardly functions anymore, poor thing, have to shake it to get it to turn on...) And not to mention the well over 30 or 40 games for our PS2, which we got when it first came out in 2000. We haven't bought a new GCN game for about 2 years maybe longer, and for our PS2 we bought FFXII in April and Okami in Feb this year! We had so many games I can hardly remember them all... FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, Metal Gear Solid 2, MGS 3, Okami, Primal, Tekken Tag, Disgaea 2, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2, Soul Calibur 3, SSX (1,2,3 and On Tour), some James Bond games, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, Dragon Quest (8 I think...), God of War and a bunch we bought and traded back over the years. Thats why many people think GCN wasn't that great as a console, cause it wasn't. The only reason to buy it was a select few games, compared to hundreds of available games on PS2 or even on XBOX.
I'm not saying it sucked, it just didn't live up to its potential, or to the reputation built up by Nintendo from its many other successful consoles over the years. Thankfully Nintendo regained their awesomeness with the Wii.
