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 Post subject: Jack Black theYack
PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:57 pm 
PPT Student
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so my dog is name jackson. we call hm jack for short.
and some times we like to call him jack black the yack.
one day he gaged on a hair ball.
we said that jack black the yack hacked.
from then on i have been adding in more "ack" word untill i got this:
Jack Black the yack who hacks on his snack of a Big Mac that he packed while trying to quack and selling crack by the towel rack trying to get back the brains he lacks while siting on a thumb tack and being smacked and trying to get the nack of being whacked by a boy named Zack Nlack whos car go's clack clack and who wont give you any slack or stay on track.
yeh i know ts long. but the point is, i want too see what more you guys can add on to it.
or, if you want you can make up a new one. but it has too start with jack black the yack.
have fun guys!

Thank you Byakuya San for the set!

 Post subject: Re: Jack Black theYack
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:59 am 
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"but then he got fat so we put him in a sack and hoisted him onto our backs to take him to the market".

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

 Post subject: Re: Jack Black theYack
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:09 pm 
PPT Student
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:roflol: oh my gosh.... that is so funny! lets have some more guys! :roflol:

Thank you Byakuya San for the set!

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