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 Post subject: eBay
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:28 pm 
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eBay has so many cool things. I could spend hours just searching around eBay, if I had the time. haha :)

Here are some of my favorite eBay sellers:

belldandyrose - Cool cosplay items and cute leg warmers. We've bought two leg warmer sets from this seller, white ones with pom poms and black ones with white gems. :)

blackphoenixalchemylab - This is the eBay account for the site of the same name. Once in a while they will put up perfume oils to bid on. :)

eproductsales - Very pretty costume angel and fairy wings. :)

fan21_hk - A lot of very cool miniature food. :)

japan_manga - She has all sorts of Hello Kitty plush and other merchandise. She's really nice, too, and she usually puts in an extra gift when I've bought from her. :)

jeri79 - Very cool miniature food. :)

kawaiiyukari - A lot of very cute Sanrio and San-X plushies. :)

minkyshop - A lot of cool and cute Japanese clothes. :)

myfavoritehat - This shop has very cool, animal-themed hats. I've gotten a rabbit hat for each of my girls when they each first started school from this site. This year Gwen gets hers. <3

pawstarstitches - More animal-themed hats. :)

runnickyrun - She has a lot of very cool things. We've only bought the colored hair extensions from her so far. We have the 1" streaks in light pink, neon pink, bubble gum pink, purple, light teal blue, electric blue, blonde, copper, and rust. :)

She has these white boots that I *absolutely* love. They're so cute. <3


I love these pink and black canvas boots, too. :)


san-market - So many gorgeous gothic lolita dresses and cosplay costumes. <3 I love to just look through them all. haha

stuacy - Gorgeous Venetian masks. :)

I surf eBay occasionally to find custom My Little Ponies, but I haven't seen many good ones in a while. :/

Who are some of your favorite eBay sellers? What sorts of things do you surf eBay for? :)

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 Post subject: Re: eBay
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:09 am 

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haha gotta love ebay.
I managed to get 500 glow sticks for my brothers birthday off of there XD

Dirt cheap they were too ;)

set by Sakura

 Post subject: Re: eBay
PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:12 pm 
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My favorite sellers are:
4420tammy:has lots of webkinz *i buy from her sometimes*
dmcandjcc:Has Neopets Stuff *i bought a blue poogle bk toy w/code from her*
sarahmc143;has webkinz and more *i buyfrom her a lot

I have 5 bk neopets toys they are in order from newest-oldest:blue poogle,white kougra,green grundo,blue blumaroo,green bruce. I have an extra blue blumaroo if you have a rainbow kacheek with the stickers please message me if you want to trade. I have one keyquest plush it is the strawberry poogle!

 Post subject: Re: eBay
PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:17 pm 
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I never bought a item on eBay, but I found something interesting...

Name of lot: 1000 Neopets Plush McDonalds Plushie Stuffed Toy Lot + 28 Larger (non mcdonalds) Plush
Price: US $499.99 + Free Shipping
Link Here (might not work anymore)

I've never seen so many plushies/Neopets items, ever.

 Post subject: Re: eBay
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:42 am 
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I've sadly bought into the fun of eBay, which does indeed have a lot of deals for items. I've mostly used it for Dungeons & Dragons material, and haven't gotten into selling...yet. Will need to be a little more stable in life and have a few more bits of hardware before that can happen. First step will be to stop buying so much stuff. :lol:


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 Post subject: Re: eBay
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:46 am 
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Jacob wrote:
... First step will be to stop buying so much stuff. :lol:

:lol: I have the same issue. I've bought a variety of different things I couldn't live without (and/or find elsewhere) on eBay.


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