Finally Catching up...
Day 1 - No Matches - 1.5k
Day 2 - 2 Matches - 3k
Day 3 - No Matches - 4.5k and a Jetsam Mini Fan
Day 4 – No Matches - 5.5k
Day 5 - 2 Matches - 7k
Day 6 - No Matches - 9k
Day 7 - No Matches - 10.5k
Day 8 - No Matches... BLB 21,250 and a Gift Box
Day 9 - No Matches - 16k
Day 10 - 2 Matches - 19k and a Maraquan Frisbee
Day 11 - No Matches - 18.5k and a Gift Box.
Day 12 - 2 Matches - 19k
Day 13 - 2 Matches - 19k
Day 14 - 2 Matches - 19k
Matched 0: 8 (77,750)
Matched 2: 6 (86,000)
Matched 3: 0 (0)
Matched 4: 0 (0)
Total: 163,750
Low on record: 451,375
High on record: 464,750
Very glad to hear that you found some quality contractors who are doing what they said they would, and are actually cleaning up after themselves! Nothing worse than a bad contractor. Not much better than an an amazing contractor. Funny how that works. I keep thinking I should call the guy that replaced my balcony a few years back to do the water damaged siding on the house. Might even be cheap enough to replace that small wood section with Stucco to match the majority of the house.
Nice snag on the mirror, Siniri. Without seeing it, mounting it to the back of a bookshelf on wheels sounds perfect to me. Beautifully mobile and easy to get out. Be mindful of the weight of the glass added to the back of the case, though. A solid counterbalance on the bottom shelf might be needed to keep it from tipping backwards. I am sure your Engineering staff will make sure all is safe and secure, though

Today is another "putter about" day. It rained heavy all day yesterday and late into the night. Then more lighter rain overnight and into the morning. The ground is super soggy, so no plans to work outside. Still too damp and chilly* for garage work. Seems like a good time to drink too much coffee and do "little" stuff inside. Maybe read a book or something

*Chilly = California "cold" of 40°F this morning. Currently a "chilly" 53°F