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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:41 am 
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Moira looked at the variety of desserts that were now on the table. "The dessert looks delicious, don't you think?" Moira said to Ella as she picked up a small bowl of fresh strawberries that were arranged in a very interesting pattern. 'The cakes look delicious... but I need to stay fit...' she thought to herself as she put a strawberry in her mouth.

Thoughts are like buttons!!!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:42 am 
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Once the students had finished with their desserts, Iaran and Baalinda stood up. Clapping her hands together, Iaran watched as a multitude of tiny fairy-like insects flew into the room, dropping an envelope infront of each appropriate student. The centre of the table sunk down, to emerge clean and fresh a moment later.

Baalinda smiled and held up a nearby student's envelope. "These envelopes you have just been given contain all the information you shall need to begin. They contain a large map of the academy, a list of rules, a list of teachers and their subjects, a room allocation card, a timetable and a list of the equipment you will need for each class. You will each get your own room, with private bathroom. And an equipment room is located in between every second room." Putting the envelope back down, Iaran and Baalinda both left the hall through a large door, Iaran calling out before leaving, "This is the way to the second story staircase, all the rooms are on the second story in the west wing. Our rooms are in the east wing, only disturb us if there is an emergency. Lights will dim at 10 each night, and go out by midnight."

* * * *

Aquila stared at the envelope infront of her, tearing it open she shuffled through the contents. Finding the map and her room allocation she studied both for a moment, before walking out the same door as Iaran and Baalinda.

Climbing the stairs, and turning to the left, she checked each door for her name. Soon she reached a door with "Aquila" engraved on a golden plate in flowing writing. Using the key she had been given, she unlocked the room and entered it. It was lit brightly with candles and her luggage sat in a corner. The walls were pale and the floor was a light blue carpet. A four poster bed with a canopy was pushed against a wall, the window on the wall to the right of it. There was a wardrobe, vanity table, desk for studying, a chair and a door to the left of the bed which she assumed lead to the bathroom.

Putting the envelope down on the desk, she began to unpack the items she had brought from home. Some plain clothes, toned with white, blue and pink; two fancy outfits, one a blue and white skirt and top, the other a pale green dress with dark red bows. A few pairs of shoes, sandals and boots, some accessories and jewelery, a diary from home and a tiny rod about 15 centimetres long.

Assembling them around her room, Aquila quickly had a shower and got changed before sitting at the desk and adding an addition to her diary.

Dear diary,

I have arrived at the academy, it is wonderful here. But I miss Aryll and Arianna, I hope they are doing well without me, and that they are practising their dancing and gymnastics.

I still have my tiara and ring, I hope I never lose them, after all they are all I have left of mother. And I am going to find some string soon, so that I can keep the Eagle Rod around my neck, and know that it of all things shall come to no harm.

I have organised my room, and might read the contents of the envelope later on. But for now, I am going to take a rest, I am very tired after the journey, and all the sugar I ate is making me sleepy.




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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:50 am 
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(GACK. Must backtrack. *mumbles something about how she needs to keep better track of her RPs*)

Lina sat and stared down into her plate of dinner. Her reflection shone on the beautiful white china, blurred and distorted by the bits of food that had once been there.

It was difficult for Lina to believe that she was here. She wasn't dissapointed, really, just... Surprised. She had known for a while that gymnastics was her sort of... Talent? No, that wasn't the word. She never considered gymnastics her "talent." It was just something that she was good at that she had always done. Did that make it a talent? She wasn't sure if she had ever had a talent before. Talent was something different to her. Talent was the sort of thing that just came to a person, not something that they worked at for a long time to be good at. Wasn't in?

When dessert came, Lina ate her cheesecake slowly. She wasn't really in the mood to eat, but knew that if she didn't, she would be hungry later on that night and wouldn't be able to get to sleep.

Lina was nearly the last person to finish her dessert, and almost immediately after, the plates were cleared away. And then the fairies swarmed in.

Lina wasn't sure if they were fairies. They sure looked like fairies, with their miniscule wings that were blurred with movement and their ability to almost glow. How odd they were. Lina had never really seen anything like them before, although she had heard about them. She instantly thought of how interesting it would be to have such small, delicate wings and such agility. How much better she would be at gymnastics if she had them! She smiled with satisfaction as she imagined herself as a tiny figure with even tinier wings, and that enchanted sort of iridescence.

Lina snapped back to attention when her letter was dropped in front of her. She opened it closely and examined its contents: A map, her room number, her schedule, as wells as a number of other things. Lina blinked. This was going to be a lot to remember, unless she carried everything around every day. She sighed. But she could work with it, she supposed. She'd get used to it after a while, wouldn't she?

Up in her room, Lina gazed around. It was a rather beautiful room. The walls were a pale shade of yellow, the curtains lacy and white. The bed was large and covered in large, decorative pillows that had soft pink and blue flowers printed on them. Lina spotted her suitcase at the foot of the bed. She knelt next to it and opened it up, making sure all of her belongings were still intact and that her clothes hadn't gotten too wrinkled. She unpacked, filling the wardrobe with her various different clothes and things. Then, once she had finished unpacking and had showered and changed into her pajamas, she lay down in bed.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:56 am 
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*Mortedua had immensely enjoyed the dinner, as uncomfortable as she felt around all these different people, most importantly the worshippers of Dies- she had nothing against their religion but had heard they were bad people. Now with the envelope in front of her, she felt a little groggy but opened it... She quickly memorized where she should go to get to the student rooms, and headed out the door where other students were going.

When she reached the long hallway, Mortedua saw another student walking a bit ahead of her- Someone named Aquila, apparently, for she had entered the room with that name engraved on the door. Mortedua had to keep walking till the last door, which surprised her a little when she saw her own name engraved on the golden tablet of the door. She turned the handle slowly after working the golden key, and saw what was to be expected of the room of an unknown student- a dressing table, a large desk with unused paper stacked neatly on it, and an oaken wardrobe with flowers carved into the top. She wrinkled her nose a bit- she had never really cared for flowers- and began to unpack.

She had several outfits which her family had picked- mostly black, representing Nox in the most basic form. She sighed, never having caught on to who Nox was supposed to be, and began the tedious job of folding the black clothes into the wardrobe- a dress, a long shirt, a skirt... so boring. Then she found the things she had picked... more greens and browns, which her mother had wailed "would upset Nox" because they looked too much like something a Dies follower would wear. Personally Mortedua thought gods didn't give a care about what people wore, and niether should her parents.

At the bottom of the trunk lay the cloak- midnight blue with silver stars about the hem and throat. She held it close to her, smelling it... it had been given to her when she was very young, by a strange boy. She carefully hung that up, and when she was done, flung herself on the dark-green canopy bed. Her room had a green carpet- it seemed the theme of the entire place was green- and she was happy about it... and her parents were not here to lecture her about her religion. She took her violin from its seperate case, and began, to tire herself out enough to sleep for she suffered from severe insomnia, to play a long, mournful lay, and sing along with it- it was her favorite tune, though she could not remember why, or where she had heard it.

"Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended
giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende
On Medusenle þæt he ma no wære
His dryhtne dyrest and mæga deorost.

She could not continue the song... suddenly exhausted, she changed into her nightgown- black with pale edge, and slipped under the covers into dark and strange dreams.*


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:24 am 
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Elily had been listening as the Headmistresses briefed them about the rules in the academy. They were getting their own rooms! Elily brightened up immediately. At least she didn't have to worry about sharing a room with anyone she didn't like.

When her envelope was dropped in front of her, Elily gingerly picked it up and opened it. These things would definitely help her in this academy. She would read through them later, in the privacy of her room. There was no need to bring out her map, she just followed everyone up the maginifcent marble staircase, with a carved oak banister. She followed them to the west wing of the second floor, and swiftly passed the identical doors in search for her room. She finally found it, it had a plate stuck on it, with her name engraved on it with graceful, flowing letters. Elily fingered the provided key for a while before inserting it into the keyhole. It clicked and Elily entered, dragging her luggage behind her.

Shutting the door and locking it firmly behind her, Elily looked at the very room she would be spending most of the term in. A warm plush carpet covered the floor, and the walls were a shade of robin's egg blue. To her direct left was a pair of double doors, which she discovered led to a luxurious bathroom. The bathroom had a cool marble floor, shower encased with a glass showerscreen, a bathtub, toilet bowl, and a marble counter, with little bottles of soap and shampoo and other toiletries.

To her direct right was a rather big closet. She opened it to find plenty of space to hang her clothes, and there was a chest of built-in drawers as well. Perfect. Elily noted there were a few more compartments, she would put them to full use.

Elily stepped to the centre of the room. To her left was a four poster canopy bed, elaborately furnished with thick, embroidered quilts and equally fancy curtains. The bed was flanked by two square sidetables, each holding a lamp. To her right was an empty bookshelf, and next to it was a spacious study table and a comfortable chair to go along with it. To the front was a great, big window, which could be opened by sliding the glass panels. Curtains of deep blue offered protection from the glaring sunlight. There was a dresser next to the window, with a large mirror framed by detailed carvings. Next to the dresser, in the left corner of the room, was a rather comfortable sofa. Elily plopped down on her bed. She could get used to this.

Elily began to unpack. There was no time to waste. She hung up all her clothes: Several fancy and elaborate outfits meant for special performances, half a dozen simple dresses meant for easy dancing, two nightgowns and a pair of pyjamas, and several outfits for chilling out, meant for normal daily purposes. Next, were her shoes. Elily arranged her shoes neatly at the foot of her closet. There were three pairs of ballet slippers, two pairs of dancing shoes, two pairs of uncommonly fancy heels for special occasions [Elily wasn't particularly too fond of them, as it was rather difficult having to dance in high heels], three pairs of knee-high black leather boots and two pairs of ordinary shoes for daily purposes.

Now that her clothes were settled, she fished up her toiletries from the side-pocket of her bag, and arranged them neatly on the marble counter in the bathroom. Next, she proceeded to take out her many accessories and jewellery and tenderly put them in their place at the dresser. Being a dancer also meant having to dress well. She had tons of accessories; rings, bracelets, bangles, necklaces, lockets, accessories for her hair, arms, neck, you name it. Some she had only worn once or twice in her entire life, she treasured her accessories dearly, for most of them her parents took great trouble to obtain.

After she was done with accessories, she began to unpack her school supplies. Elily pulled out her stationery and wide collection of books, mostly detailing about complicated dance moves or dance history, and arranged them on her table and bookshelf. Lastly, came her money. This Elily looked around her room, wanting to find a safe place to keep it. Her parents had given her a great deal of money before she came here, and she didn't intend to lose it on her very first day. After much thinking, she finally decided to keep her money inside one of the bedside lamps. Nobody ever looked into them anyway.

Finally done unpacking, Elily put away her empty bag into the closet, and stretched herself on the bed, resting her sore body from the unpacking.

- Sweet set made by GlimmerFae-
"I wanted to change the world, but I changed nothing. That is my story." - Auron, FF X.

Avatar removed, hotlinking problem.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:18 pm 
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Ariah was among the last students to leave the dining room. She felt very insecure and scared of this new place, and suddenly the sadness took over her once more. Without looking at the letter any more she grabbed the key she had been given and rushed upstairs looking for her room.

Finally she arrived at a door with a plate that had her name on it. She sighed of relief and opened the door and walked in.

As she looked around the room she sat down on the floor in front of the bed and put down the suitcase she had been carrying. Ariah then opened it and started picking out her clothes and items she had taken with her to this place.

The wooden wardrobe in her room was soon filled with dresses of all kinds. Short dresses, long dresses, sporty dresses, dresses meant for finer occasions, every kind of dress one could need. Ariah smiled at the sight as she also put in a couple of leggings, to wear with her tennis dresses for example, some shirts and shoes. She left her pajamas on the bed.

Ariah now carried her toiletries to the bathroom and arranged them on the marble counter. She walked out again and picked out the school supplies she had brought with her and sorted them into the drawers of the desk that was meant to do schoolwork on. She then took the pile of books she had with her and put them in the bookshelf. Mostly they were music books containing notes and lyrics and such, but she had also a couple of language books, a dictionary and other books with her.

Ariah felt like she could really use a shower, so she undressed and rolled a towel around her body as she walked to the bathroom and closed the door. As the water fell on Ariah's head she felt sort of calm again and enjoyed the refreshing effect of the water. Without her noticing it she started to sing lullabies with the most softest and high voice.

Now that she had dried herself but still had a towel around her body and on her head as a turban she took the jewels, which she had had on and put on the bed when going to the shower, and put them into a drawer of the vanity desk that was put against one of the light blue walls. Ariah sat down on the chair of the vanity desk and looked at herself in the mirror, now more determined than ever to make it to the top at this school.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:29 pm 
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Caesar reluctantly left his desert to one side, picking up the envelope the strange creatures had given him. He slowly opened it, surprised that it opened so easily. He pulled out the contents, one by one, and laid it to the side before looking at it. There was the room number, with a small, golden key attached to the slip of paper. A map on a pale piece of paper, with markings in what looked like quill work. The building looked very intricate, and it would take a while for him to find his way around. There was a timetable also. The subjects looked interesting, healing, singing, dancing but his favourite, gymnastics.

Caesar trailed up the stairs, heading towards his room on the West Wing. He walked down the corridor, looking at the room numbers on the door, before realising that each door had the name of the inhabitant on. He walked down the corridor, and saw his name on the last door of the corridor. Typical, of course he had to walk the furthest. He picked up his small key, and gingerly opened it, not knowing what to see.

The walls were of a pale blue colour, and the room was abnormally spacious. There was a long four poster bed in the corner of the room, with a large, oak closet facing it on the other side of the room. Caesar set his suit case down on the carpet, starting to unpack his clothes, and placing them tidily in his closet, looking forward to the days ahead in the academy.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:39 pm 
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Yawning softly to herself, Aquila jumped onto the bed with the envelope in hand. "Hmm, the teachers list eh? I'd better read this now."

Miss Iaran- Dancing
Miss Baalinda- Gymnastics
Mister Genis Sage- Singing
Mister Sebastian- Weather Magic
Madame Olivia- Herbal Studies
Mister Antonio- Astronomy

Maria- Head Nurse
Viola- Head Cook

Putting the said list down, Aquila soon came to the next item in the pile. The list of rules....

1. No visiting other students rooms after lights have dimmed (past 10 o'clock).
2. No disturbing teachers unless it is an emergency.
3. Students are not allowed behind locked doors, or in the kitchens, unless given a key by a teacher.
4. No violence against teachers or other students.
5. No "mocking" of gods/godesses

"Interesting...." Aquila murmered, before picked up her timetable.

Morning- Singing
Afternoon- Herbal Studies
Evening- Free

Morning- Weather Magic
Afternoon- Singing
Evening- Dancing/ Gymnastics

Morning- Singing
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Astronomy

Morning- Herbal Studies
Afternoon- Weather Magic
Evening- Free

Morning- Singing
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Astronomy

Morning- Free
Afternoon- Concert Practice
Evening- Free

Whole day free

Aquila carefully studied her timetable. Musing silently, "Dancing/Gymnastics? It seems we shall be practising the other talents after all, perhaps 'tis a joint class with all the students? Well, I guess I shall find out later."

She picked up the last item to be checked, the equipment list...

Singing: Appropriate outfit to sing in, formal not required.
Also, a music folder will be required to store notes and sheet music.

Dancing: Comfortable outfit, appropriate for dance practise.
Hair tied back if necessary. A folder required for notes.

Gymnastics: Same as dancing requirements.

Herbal Magic: A large scrapbook for storing, notes and samples.
Appropriate texts will be given during class.
Protective gloves and aprons will be needed.

Weather Magic: A thin book for storing notes.
Any staves, rods, or wands with magical properties may be brought to use if needed.

Astronomy: A folder for storing notes and photographs.
A star chart will also be needed.

Concert Practise: A semi-formal/formal outfit should be worn, appropriate folders, etc. should be brought.

Only take what is needed, and ask a teacher during class if you need any help.

Aquila just managed to stuff all the notes back into the envelope before throwing it onto the desk and pulling herself beneath the covers. The lights began to dim as she fell asleep.

((Lol, some of the teachers' names are from "Twelth Night" by Shakespeare, I was inspired by my english homework you see.))

((All the rooms for the students are similar. And the rules/teachers/equipment shall be the same. The timetables shall be slightly different however, you can rearrange them as you like, but you must have classes together, (eg. all singing classes must be the same, however herbal magic/studies can be a few different classes, with different people.) Your student may want to read the timetable, but doesn't have to read everything else and list it, obviously.))


Last edited by ria on Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:21 pm 
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((To be honest, I think we should just have all joint classes, it makes it a lot simpler. Just to add a bit of content:))

Caesar walked into the equipment room, through the unlabelled door on the corridor. He picked out what he needed, 4 folders, he chose four different colours, so it's easier to distinguish them. A pale blue, a dark green, a bright red, and a stagnant yellow colour. He picked out two books as well, again of two different colours, this time a silver and a gold. He picked out an apron as well, it was a bit of a tight fit, but it did fit well, and a pair of protective gloves. The material felt strange, it was silky, but very tough. Caesar tried them on, and they seemed to stretch to his hand size, and mould themslef around his hand. However, the gloves came of easily enough, and shrank to their original size when he took them off. He found a star chart lying on a wall , and picked it up. He opened it, bah, astronomy. He hated astronomy. Still, he had his equipment, so struggled with it back to his room, before dumping it in a pile in the corner of the room. He'd organise it later, he thought.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:33 am 
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Ella looked up. Beside her a girl had plopped down beside her. The girl had asked her name and talent, and commented on the desert. Reaching for some cheese cake, she said "I"m Ella, I'm fairly good at Gymnastics. And yes the, dessert is quite good."
However, before she could say anything else, amazing creatures flew in the air. Ella was enchanted by the little dancers, they where like nothing she had seen before, except in the fairy tale books she had read when she was little. The little things flew with envelopes, dropping them in front of the students. Once she reserved hers, she stood up and said It was nice to meet you," and then proceeded to open the map to find her room.

Ella kept herself on track, following the map step by step, until she got to her room. The door looked impressive with her name carved into it in fancy lettering. She turned the door knob, and peaked in.

It was nice. Ella had seen better, but this was very nice. At the foot of her bed lay her trunk. In it was the best of her clothing. Her parents believed that while in public, one must look ones best, but when at home, one should dress however they pleased. Inside were many tunics and leggings, along with three very formal gowns, one a light blue velvet, one a light green silk, and the last a red dress with velvet sleeves and sash, but a silk body. Ella loved thous dresses. She also had her old green dresses that she wore when in public, and a soft woolen nightgown. She ginned as she continued unpacking.

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:41 am 
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"It was nice meeting you as well." Moira replied and waved bye.
She then watched as one of the tiny creatures dropped a envelope in front of her. Moira picked up the envelope, got up from her seat and exited the room as she fumbled through the contents of the envelope. She pulled out the map, room number and key and looked over it.

Once Moira had her room number in mind, she walked upstairs to find her room, checking her map every so often to make sure she was going the right way. Eventually, she came to a door with her name on it.

I wonder what my room will be like... Moira thought as she put her key in. For a while, she thought that her door may be jammed because it would not open, but a second after, her door swung open. Moira stepped inside and looked around.

The room was quite nice, with a comfortable and nice looking bed, desk, chair, vanity table and dresser. To her right was the bathroom and in front of her bed, layed all of her luggage. Moira walked over to the bed, placed her envelope off to the side and unpacked her suitcases.

Once all of her stuff was unpacked, she sat down on her bed and took out everything else in the envelope. Moira sat there for a few minutes, going over everything else until she got to her timetable.

Morning- Singing
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Weather Magic

Morning- Herbal Studies
Afternoon- Singing
Evening- Dancing/Gymnastics

Morning- Singing
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Astronomy

Morning- Herbal Studies
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Weather Magic

Morning- Singing
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Astronomy

Morning- Free
Afternoon- Concert Practice
Evening- Free

Whole day free

Moira read her timetable over a couple of times until she had most of it in her head. She smiled at the thought of astronomy.... the stars... she couldn't wait! How she loved the stars, she thought they were so beautiful. She looked forward to actually learning about them, and everything else up in the night sky.

Thoughts are like buttons!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:51 am 
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((Morning shall come soon. I want this rp to be a pretty decent speed. Lol, unlike Turies, which has taken 30 pages for like 3 days. For the timetable, there should be 2 separate Herbal Magic and Weather Magic classes, oh and thanks Hpfan36, your timetable and my timetable shall be the basis of all timetables now. :P ))


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:19 am 
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Ariah looked at her timetable she had just picked out from the envelope.

"Lot's of singing..." she mumbled as she looked at the subjects.

"Oooh, astronomy! I like that." she thought as she remembered how the neighbors son, who was a couple of years older than her, used to take her out by night and they would look at the stars with the telescope his father had given him. She had learned a great deal about astronomy that way. Still, now that someone professional would teach her she would learn more details.

Then her eyes turned to look at Herbal Studies and Weather Magic.

"Well, I suppose that's okay..." she said while thinking about the two. Her granny used a lot of herbs to a little bit of everything, still Ariah had never really thought about it all that much, just learned some basic combinations and effects.

Weather Magic on the other hand, that was something quite new to her. Weather was just something that was a neutral part of her life, and to combine magic with that was something she had never even seen.

Ariah felt very tired by now and slipped into her silky pajamas very gracefully. She brushed her teeth in the bathroom and tied a ribbon around her soft and curly hair, so that it wouldn't get too messy during her sleep.

She heard some voices down the hallway and slipped quickly onto the bed and under the cozy and warm blanket. Her head fell softly down on the pillow. Ariah took one last look on the picture of her grandmother she had put up on the desk on the side of the bed. Suddenly the light were dimmed out and Ariah felt very tired.

"Ten o'clock... good night granny..." she mumbled as she fell into a deep slumber.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 1:54 pm 
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After several minutes resting on her bed, Elily sat up, her hand groping for the envelope sitting on the bedside table. She slid out all the contents of the envelope. Skimming through the main rules and regulations, Elily briefed through the teachers' list. Next came her timetable.

Morning- Dancing/Gymnastics
Afternoon- Herbal Studies
Evening- Free

Morning- Weather Magic
Afternoon- Dancing/Gymnastics
Evening- Free

Morning- Dancing/Gymnastics
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Astronomy

Morning- Herbal Studies
Afternoon- Weather Magic
Evening- Free

Morning- Dancing/Gymnastics
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Astronomy

Morning- Free
Afternoon- Concert Practice
Evening- Free

Whole day free

She memorised it instantly. To be honest she had no experience in anything except dancing. She probably would have a lot to learn. Elily went over to her study desk, and pulled out a piece of clean, white paper and a pen. She began to write a letter to her parents, asking for books about weather magic, astronomy and herbal studies. She had quite a number of files and folders along with the stationery she had brought from home, so she needn't worry about that.

- Sweet set made by GlimmerFae-
"I wanted to change the world, but I changed nothing. That is my story." - Auron, FF X.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:10 pm 
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Lina yawned softly as she gazed up at the ceiling. She turned over on her side and reached out toward her bedside table, where she had set down the envelope that she had received after dinner. She picked it up and opened the flap, then pulled out the contents once more. The spread them out on the surface of the bed, then sorted through them carefully. She picked up the list of supplies she would need for each of her classes, glanced at it briefly, then tossed it aside. She didn't feel like getting up and going back to the chest of drawers to pull everything out again; she was too tired. Instead, she picked up her timetable and reviewed it.

Morning- Dancing/Gymnastics
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Weather Magic

Morning- Herbal Studies
Afternoon- Dancing/Gymnastics
Evening- Singing

Morning- Dancing/Gymnastics
Afternoon- Astronomy
Evening- Free

Morning- Herbal Studies
Afternoon- Free
Evening- Weather Magic

Morning- Dancing/Gymnastics
Afternoon- Astronomy
Evening- Free

Morning- Free
Afternoon- Concert Practice
Evening- Free

Whole day free

Lina yawned again. Good, she thought, I've got evenings off on Wednesdays and Fridays. She glanced sleepily back at the rest of the things that had been dumped out of the envelope, contemplating whether or not she should give them a good going over again, as well. However, whether she should have or not was never decided, because at that moment her eyelids grew too heavy for her to hold open any longer, and they gentl fell shut.

(Ria, I hope this schedule is okay. I wasn't exactly sure about it, because it's a bit confusing, so if I need to change something, just tell me and I'll edit. :) )


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