*disclaimer* I own an Ipod
Illumination wrote:
Mr. Darkside wrote:
Erm, I think they mentioned it in a computer mag I order...
Let me check.
It's called MZN510, I think. It was mentioned as a "IPod Killer", so I guess this is what you were looking for.
Thanks for your help.. but.. that looks like a MD player.. I'm not sure if that's the one. Just that my brother told me there was something Sony was making which is better than iPod, and has the same function. That is, music.
hellyer wrote:
Shifty wrote:
I'm sure there are other companies that make products simular to ipods, and probably cheaper, but ipods are the best.
I'v been on a waiting list for more than 2 months for an ipod mini, and accoring to amazon I will only be getting it in another 2-3 months

Apparently you have to get a new battery every 6 months with ipod minis, which sounds really stupid.
Isn't that the same for iPod? I heard it was.. and that's why my brother said he doesn't think it's worth getting an iPod because of that.
Thanks everyone else, but still can't find what I think would be what my brother's talking about.
Olay -- first things first. You don't have to get a new battery every 6 months with anything. Not sure where you heard that but it's a rumor. The ipod has an internal battery that usualy needs to be replaced by pro's. The new sony device has the same type of battery. They're both expensive to replace if you have problems.
I don't know about what battery problems the sony device may have but it's not designed to be replaced every 6 months.
Secondly sony has a new, small, mp3 player that it's trying to tout as an "ipod killer". Because the media likes sensationalism they're going for it. However there hasn't been any kind of dent or slowdown in ipod sales.
The product you're looking for is the
Sony NW-HD1
*EDIT* WARNING: Slashdot contains language and content innapropreate for younger users. It's a forum where tech related news articals are posted and people can comment about them. However users can say whatever they want and it's not necessarily all ages appropreate. Sorry I didn't think about that before I posted the link In this case the blurb posted talks about the WSJ artical but the users have a discussion about different types of mp3 player as well as the pro's and cons of the sony device and corperation in particular. I thought this was useful since it's a technicaly inclined forum that dosen't have a reason to lean towards any particular device.*/EDIT*
Here's a slashdot artical about it
and a
Wall Street Journal artical about it. This artical has a comparison of the sony player the ipod and the mini at the bottom.
The sony player is somewhat smaller than the ipod (with much less capacity than larger models of ipod, and more expensive than comperable versions) but bigger than the ipod mini (which only has 5 gigs of storage but is very very cool looking)
What really killed the device in my mind (people live with bad User Interface all the time) is the fact that the Sony player DOSEN'T PLAY MP3's
It plays it's own file format and will change over all your files when you load them on the disk. This takes a very very long time. It will also try to back up those reformated files on your computer so loading dosen't take as long the next time. This may seem like a good idea but I don't know anyone who'ed like to double the size of their mp3 collection for no good reason.
It uses this format theoreticaly to fit more songs on the player but unless you choose a very low song quality it fits the same number of songs as any 20 gig mp3 player but without the ease of use.
*edit again* the newest ipod is smaller/lighter than the one in the wsj comparision -- the forth gen is awesome
Also I promise no more edits