Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:31 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:36 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:56 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:00 pm
Yoshi wrote:Yeah, good luck to everyone on the east coast, from Florida up to the Canadian Maritimes. Both Tropical Storm Bonnie (I think that's the name) and Hurricane Charley'll hit, following each other closely, too.
Have fun looking out your windows, though!
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:02 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:09 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:15 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:19 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:21 pm
simsman24000 wrote:California doesn't have hurricanes. Luckily.
*knocks on wood*
*knocks on wood again*
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:25 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:28 pm
Marching Duck wrote:haha i live in missouri. we dont have hurricanes...but we do have pretty bad tornados. we're the middle of tornado alley. a big one took out part of my school in spring 2003. we lost a frat house, 2 parking lots, the gym and most of the town. it wasnt pretty.
Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:29 pm
Amethyst wrote:I'm going to North Carolina on vacation the week after next![]()
Oh well, I've always wanted to be stuck in a gym somewhere...
Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:30 pm
Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:34 pm
DM was on fire! wrote:Amethyst wrote:I'm going to North Carolina on vacation the week after next![]()
Oh well, I've always wanted to be stuck in a gym somewhere...
I don't think NC's really gonna be hit. Poor FL though...
Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:42 pm
Twitchy wrote:bl**dy h*ll!!!!!!!!!
did I just say that?lol
Yes, we oce had amini hurracaine somewere over here in London.