Actually, I don't really beg, my friends know that I want their food, and give me it.
Jeff(Me): *sits down w/cafeteria lunch that doesn't fill him up*
Lindsey: *hands me her fruit cup thing that changes color each day for some odd reason*
Elizabeth: *gives me some of her sandwich, unless its filled with chocolate, like Mutella(or Nutella, or w/e)
Me: *steals her chips, unless their doritos, she usually gives those away* *sits queitly and eats his cafeteria lunch before moving on to finish what people give me*
Daniella: *hands me her pudding*
Me: *takes pudding and eats*
In this scenario, as you can see, I usually can get full by getting what people don't want. Ok, so it's not a conversation, so what.

This other guy at my table, Amien, also likes to take food like me, we sort of share the things we get from other people who bring their lunch. We have a trade thing too, as most of the times vending machines are a great way to get food if your still hungry.