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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:44 pm 
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My first science teacher in brand new school told me that the new spanish kid knew more then I did, and ripped up my exercise book, because I didnt use a ruler to underline one of my dates. So when I cried after she kept me in for the whole of lunch, she tried to hug me -_-

Next lesson I dropped a whole load of beakers and tests tubes on the floor "by accident". She had to pay for them ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:44 pm 
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There's this one teacher...I don't even know what she teaches, I don't have her (thank God).

When she passes you, she'll always just be like "Tie" or "Shirt", nothing else. (Which, fair enough, my tie is never done up all the way (does anyone actually wear their ties to their top button, anyway?) and my shirt is never tucked in, but she's really rude about it, most the teachers aren't.) Also, my form room is past the teacher's lounge. The way it's set up, after break most of the time we end up having to hold open the door for a lot of teachers. They all say thank you, except her. The most you'll get out of her is "Tie."

We have really stupid rules about which way you can walk, too. If I followed them, I would walk around two buildings to get from Geography to science. Since I don't, I walk around the front of one and down a short corridor.

Very few teachers care about it. At least, as long as you aren't obvious about it. There are some that'll make you walk all the way around the building rather than walk in the wrong door, walk two feet, and go up a flight of stairs.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:32 pm 
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jellyoflight wrote:
Hmm. That reminds me of our old french teacher.


Her: "SOMEONE" *glares at me* "HAS LEFT RUBBISH ON THE FLOOR" *points to miniscule piece of paper* "NO-ONE SHALL LEAVE UNTIL IT IS PICKED UP" *glares at me again*

Bear in mind that this was her first lesson in the school?

Tch :P I know they're pains, but eventually they settle down a little and stop being such meanieheads.

I had a french techer who just left school who was just like that! She was a crazy person!!! :o ...Does lexington traditional magnet school ring a bell?

Now, I don't act bad in class (Except french because the teacher is crazy so I act crazy back) but I do voice my opinion when I think somethings wrong... For example, the other day "Officer Morton" at my school (Hes there incase something goes wrong) said something to my friend when we were waiting for my bus. My friend said "What?" in a very not mean or disrespectful way, and the officer went off at how disrespectful it was. Being the "Guy who doesn't care if he gets in trouble for what he believes in" in the group, I immidiately stood up for him. The officer ended up getting onto me and taking me off to the side and gave me a 10 minute lecture on how you should always respect authority and never said the did something wrong. But I had my headphones on and turned up so all I heard was a bunch of Marilyn Manson :D But we all know the powers gone to the officers head... I've heard teachers talking about him and there was an incident where he was extremely rough with a kid when he didn't need to be. But now what I do to him is act so respectful with him that he wonders if I'm being making fun of him straight to his face or what, and I am, but he can't really say anything because he's afraid I'm being serious..8) And thats what I'd do with your uniform. Be so in uniform that its sickening. And when she compliments you, say something in a very suck up sorta way, so your friends can tell you're messing with her but so she doesn't know. Thats what I do to all teachers I don't like.

And I think that "Decent homes" thing was extremely out of line, and had I been in your shoes, I would've went down to the principals office to get her in as much trouble as possible... :P

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:49 pm 
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Well, next time you're headed to her class, loosen your tie and unbutton your top buttonb. Then act like you have a cold and are finding it a bit harder to breath. Then, when she makes you fasten your top button and put your tie up, say it's now difficult to breath and she'll get off your case. And if she keeps getting on at you after you've said it's difficult to breath, start breathing really heavily and start saying you're feeling dizzy and tired. Then, move on to the wheezing.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:53 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Unot wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Hmm. That reminds me of our old french teacher.


Her: "SOMEONE" *glares at me* "HAS LEFT RUBBISH ON THE FLOOR" *points to miniscule piece of paper* "NO-ONE SHALL LEAVE UNTIL IT IS PICKED UP" *glares at me again*

Bear in mind that this was her first lesson in the school?

Tch :P I know they're pains, but eventually they settle down a little and stop being such meanieheads.

I had a french techer who just left school who was just like that! She was a crazy person!!! :o ...Does lexington traditional magnet school ring a bell?

Magnet school? Oo

Well, she was short..blonde...glasses...AND STOLE MY NEAR BIRTHDAY :O

How dare she!


Oooh, and this one time, I went to this thingy for 2 weeks in the summer holidays (turned out to be really crappy) and there was this horrible woman there, with a grudge against me.

She told a girl off for waiting for me.

She called me greedy when I had 2 biscuits. -blink-

She gave me filthy looks.

She made me re-do this drawing thing, because she "didn't believe it was finished", even though any more colour on it would make it look revolting (I ruined it that way, to spite her .>), and it was during this thing on trampolines, so I missed out entirely on that.

She called all of us girls (and I quote) "Little smurf" when we went camping. Tch. She should know the materials on tents aren't exactly soundproof.

When we went camping, she wouldn't let my friend go to the toilet, because there was about 3 of them needing the loo, and they had said "Yeah, but she won't believe us if we go together" and she heard them, jumped to the wrong conclusion, and shouted at them. One girl was crying, she was so desparate for the loo, and then she let them go...

She insulted my friend, who's parents are teachers at the school we were using. Really out of line comments. "Are you deaf then?!" "What level did you get on your Year 6 Sats? *5* Well, the markers must have made a mistake then."

Honestly - if you don't like kids, don't apply for the job.

that's me.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:08 pm 
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A teacher of mine once told my recently bereaved friend (her mum had died) something like 'should I phone your mum and dad and see what they think?' after we'd been having a bit of a giggle in English. Which he was covering anyway.


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:10 pm 
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Igg wrote:
A teacher of mine once told my recently bereaved friend (her mum had died) something like 'should I phone your mum and dad and see what they think?' after we'd been having a bit of a giggle in English. Which he was covering anyway.

Ouch, I thought teachers were meant to be informed of these things?

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:11 pm 
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Oh, everybody knew.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:12 am 
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Sounds like a pretty mean teacher >.< I understand that she's trying to do her job, but I personally think that she's going a bit too far. The best suggestion I have is to shrug it off, though I know that it's WAY easier said than done. I have a teacher who gives detention to those who are late after 3 times. I guess it's kinda fair, though everyone hates it. It doesn't work that well anymore, now that there are 35 students in that class, haha. But my other teachers are fairly leniant. Except for one teacher who yells at students who pass her class while school is in session, unless it's lunch. She asks them why they're not in class, then tells them that they shouldn't be wandering the halls, when they haven't even been making any noise o.O; kinda weird, lol.
Good luck with the teacher!


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:19 am 
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when will teachers learn? enforce the rules that make sense, and the kids will pick up on that. being evil and nitpicky and harping on senseless rules does NOTHING but make kids resent authority.

furthermore, she should be helping you focus on the important things, like your lessons, instead of making you freak out about your clothing. isn't that the point of uniforms? so kids don't worry about their clothes?

teachers and other authority figures often forget the REASONS why rules are in place and instead of thinking about that, think only of the rule itself. it's ineffective.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:25 am 
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I can sort of relate. *Hides education texts.*

I've had teachers like that that can only nag (still do even in college.)
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:04 am 
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*eats the cookies*

Well, my teacher was at school when I was in year 7, but I never knew her back then. Now I'm glad I didn't (she too long service leave last year). I agree that she works so hard in enforcing the rules, and making sure that everyone in year 9 quote- "sets an example for the year seveners. Becuase if they see you with your ties down and top buttons undone, they'll think it's cool to do the same" -end quote. As if hla fof the year seveners wear their ties correctly anyway :P

But some of the teachers mentioned here (especially the ones Igg and jellyoflight mentioned) make my teacher seem likeable. That officer aint to nice either. And Cassi, that teacher sounds almost exactly like the one I'm talking about. I mean, she can tell from about ten metres away when your tie is wonky.

But... oh damn. I just found this out now. Like literally while I'm typing (my bro was reading over my shoulder). She never told us, but my bro said that her mum's in hospital. Diagnosed with cancer. Damn. It might explain why she's being so mean. Gah, now I feel sorry for her. Well, I feel like I'm betraying myself here, but I hope her mum gets better. Then I won't feel so bad about being angry with her.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:29 am 
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I've had some pretty snarly teachers in my time. My one teacher used to make fun of a kid in our class for slowly losing his eye sight.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:39 am 
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Fiddelysquat wrote:
I've had some pretty snarly teachers in my time. My one teacher used to make fun of a kid in our class for slowly losing his eye sight.

o.O;; that's cruel. Just like [I just remembered :) ] one of my teachers is kinda racist, and always seems to think that anyone who looks asian doesn't know how to speak english. She'll go up to him/her and say 'can you speak english?' or 'do you understand what I'm saying?' in that annoying 'you're stupid' kinda of voice o.O;;


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:03 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I've had communists, facists, one that was fired for taking topless photos of (male) children, one that went clinically insane after having the form I was in, one that played Dungeons & Dragons, one that brought in a new fairly hot female aid teacher each term, one that poisoned his class, one that gassed the class (several times), the list goes on...

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