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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:39 am 
PPT Trainee
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- I'm a newspaper editor at my high school.
- I designed my first web page when I was 11.
- I've only had two B's in high school so far: in Cell Biology and Biotechnology.
- When I first joined the forums, I photoshopped my eyes on photos to make them brown.
- I love food. Too much.
- Reading is one of my favorite pasttimes.
- Similarly, researching college is a favorite hobby of mine.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:24 am 
Beyond Godly
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hiddenneggs wrote:
Since high school or before, I have always worn loafers, or sneakers now that they are available with Velcro closures.
This is because I cannot tie shoelaces so that they will stay tied.

Wow, my daughter is the exact same way. I have to go on the internet to find velcro tennis shoes for her because they just don't seem to be in stores anyway. I just thought she was being extra-picky. Now, I see that others feel the same way about shoes, I will go easier on her. Promise.

teh0mega wrote:
I'm a big believer in conspiracies and believe that the world is not what it seems. Not as in beliveing that aliens are invading our minds, but believing in Government cover-ups, super-advanced technology already in use by super-powers, etc.

Same here. Ask me about my theory concerning the Epstein Barr virus sometime.

...Alex wrote:
I'm the Grammar Fairy.

Oh, darn, I wanted to be that. That's OK. I have been dubbed the glitch faerie by Everconfused.

Medusa wrote:
I bite my nails. According to everyone around me I have gorgeous hands with the exception of my nails. It might be nice to break the habit.

Me, too and hate myself for being so darned weak. I have quit many times and actually had long nails several times in the past that lasted for months. But, then in the end, I destroyed them. Ugh!

on_diet_cat wrote:
- I quit my job and stay at home for almost four months.
- I dun feel like going back to work again.

Ditto. I got laid off and am collecting unemployment. It pays almost as much as I brought home in a paycheck--so why bother seriously looking for a job. I will miss this free time once I have to work again. :(

shapu wrote:
rachel wrote:
whats the freshman 15?

A lot of college students gain weight their first year - they're away from their parents, spending more time studying and less time running around than in high school, and the food is usually a little fattier than at home (although if you ate mcdonald's every day as a kid, you might actually lose some poundage). Tack on your first real chance to drink a lot of beer, and you start to build a bit of a winter coat.

shapu, I also think it has a lot to do with the cafeteria food all freshman are forced to eat. I just remember that there were a lot of days when mystery meat was served on a slice of bread with tons of gravy on top. Pure fat.

...Alex wrote:
I know you're probably not reading this post, or at least this line.

Actually, I did. The whole thing. I write long lists, as well. And, I am finding this thread to be fascinating reading. I find it really interesting that we are so unlike yet still seem to be able to tolerate, and at times, really like each other. And respect each other. Even if we don't think the same.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:02 pm 
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Morningstar wrote:
teh0mega wrote:
I'm a big believer in conspiracies and believe that the world is not what it seems. Not as in beliveing that aliens are invading our minds, but believing in Government cover-ups, super-advanced technology already in use by super-powers, etc.

Same here. Ask me about my theory concerning the Epstein Barr virus sometime.

you've got me intregued... whats your theory concerning EBV?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:12 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Location: Set by Stampsyne. Thanks!
rachel wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
teh0mega wrote:
I'm a big believer in conspiracies and believe that the world is not what it seems. Not as in beliveing that aliens are invading our minds, but believing in Government cover-ups, super-advanced technology already in use by super-powers, etc.

Same here. Ask me about my theory concerning the Epstein Barr virus sometime.

you've got me intregued... whats your theory concerning EBV?

*Raises hand* I'm intrigued too... if only I knew what it means first. :P

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:34 pm 
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Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
I have an obsession of cats. ^v^ ~ Nya!
I know everything there has to know about Pokemon. (-o-)
I have 100+ toys on my bed, or at least on the ground near my bedhead. Mostly Pokemon and cats. (-o-) ^v^
I have 17 Pokemon posters on one wall alone. (-o-)
I LOOOOOOOOVE meat. ( )==3
I'm not a fan of too sweet candy. I like a little sweet. O---
I only have five friends. ._.
I LOOOOOOOOVE Subway. (---------)
I have an obsession of air fresheners, I have like, 3 around me now. :D
I have an obsession for milk with honey.
I like broccoli. 8=
I like carrots. 8==(==>
I LOOOOOVE science.
I like math!
I like French, now!
I LOOOOOVE government.
I like my teacher, she's the best, man!
I like gym!

^v^ = Kitty
(-o-) = Monster Ball (Pokeball)
( )==3 = Chicken
O--- = Lollipop
(--------) = Sub
8= = Broccoli

Neopets: Morphone
Maple Story: Animelee, Scania


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:26 pm 
Beyond Godly
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And you're obsessed with random emoticons? :P

- I love Subway.

- I love milk, especially chocolate milk.

- I love dogs.

- I eat SALT popcorn, not sweet. ^o^

- I hate Gym, it sucks. ¬_¬

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:07 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: A land full of joy and happiness, and happiness and joy.
Pokemon Kid wrote:
I have an obsession of cats. ^v^ ~ Nya!
I know everything there has to know about Pokemon. (-o-)
I have 100+ toys on my bed, or at least on the ground near my bedhead. Mostly Pokemon and cats. (-o-) ^v^
I have 17 Pokemon posters on one wall alone. (-o-)
I LOOOOOOOOVE meat. ( )==3
I'm not a fan of too sweet candy. I like a little sweet. O---
I only have five friends. ._.
I LOOOOOOOOVE Subway. (---------)
I have an obsession of air fresheners, I have like, 3 around me now. :D
I have an obsession for milk with honey.
I like broccoli. 8=
I like carrots. 8==(==>
I LOOOOOVE science.
I like math!
I like French, now!
I LOOOOOVE government.
I like my teacher, she's the best, man!
I like gym!

^v^ = Kitty
(-o-) = Monster Ball (Pokeball)
( )==3 = Chicken
O--- = Lollipop
(--------) = Sub
8= = Broccoli


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:49 am 
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Location: THE HEART OF DARKNESS. *ominous drums* Haha, just kidding, I'm stalking you. :D
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Oh, and:

I used to want to be an astronomer.

Two people I'm going to high school with I also went to elementary school with, and one year of middle school each. Separate middle schools, though.

At the moment, I want to either be an actress, work for WETA Workshop (well, I am majoring in Stage Production at the arts high school I'll be going to in the fall), or work for Pixar when I'm an adult. Entertainment industry is probably where I'll end up, anyway.

One of my hobbies is creating insults. I'd prefer to think I'm witty and intelligent, but unfortunately, speed is not something I'm very good at, when it comes to rapid-fire insults. I suck at that. "You're a disgusting, horrible, four-eyed freak, Alex!" "Yeah, well. Well. Uh, you're a parasitic parasite! Er, yeah. Well, you suck, anyway."

When speaking, I stutter, mumble and usually just say half-thoughts. Speech is not my medium of choice. Pen versus sword, I say.

I broke my arm once in fourth grade.

I used to play the violin.

I used to play the flute.

I wanna go to Hogwarts. =( Bah to the Salem Witches Academy, I say! (Okay, so this really isn't a surprise to anyone.)

I can rant about absolutely anything, even if it's something I love.

I had braces from third grade to the end of fourth grade.

I started wearing glasses in third grade.

I am wholly untalented.

Right now, my hair resembles one giant dreadlock, as I haven't brushed it in three days. Three days, and it's already mega-tangled.

Yes, I did download Scholastic's desktop countdown-to-HBP thing.

I am absolutely terrified of the very thought of the Harry Potter books being over.

I've only been out of the US once, to Haifa, Israel, when I was in the sixth grade.

My dad used to work for NASA, but then the economy died and he was laid off.

When my dad worked for NASA, we got to see a shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral. =D

Currently, both of my parents are teachers.

My mom's a government employee. Not FBI or anything- she teaches at a Uniformed Services university.

What else...

Um, I drew two hearts and a star on my left hand yesterday.

Silja wrote:
[*]Back at home in Finland I am quite a messy person, when I leave the house I become the tidiest one of all.

[*]Animals, both wild and tame, are so much better than people according to me. This is also the reason why I'm rather anti-social.

[*]Talking on the phone is one of my phobias.

I'm the same for all of those.

Xil wrote:
...Alex wrote:
I am an obsessive, theorizing, shipping (putting two characters together. A fan of a certain couple... Gah, you know.), canon fairy-ing Harry Potter fan, and have been so since just after PoA came out.

hehe, GBH?


Xil wrote:
...Alex wrote:
I'm the Grammar Fairy.



can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:40 am 
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Location: In my own little world... but at least they know me here! (DFW)
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I thought of a few more!

-I downloaded the little countdown clock for Firefox, and I set it for the release of Harry Potter 6
-When I get to college, (UT!!!) I'm going to major in Mechanical Engineering (I might have said this part), and I'm going to minor in Spanish, some form of music, some form of computer science, and probably some form of dance
-I have listened to 1985 and Ohio (Come back to Texas) by Bowling for Soup for the past 2 hours non stop
-I have ridden horses since I was 6
-I work at an animal shelter
-I have a very extensive community service involvement
-Starting next semester, I'm going to be taking college courses
-I write songs
-Me and my friends have been known to get drunk on Diet Pepsi
-I have an actual obsession with music. I have to have some form of music playing at all times, and if I don't, I turn my brain into a radio, and I have music playing in the background of all my thoughts
-I can memorize almost anything within minutes of seeing or hearing it
-I have the ability to hear a song once, and being able to sing it back to you, even if I haven't heard the song in years. I once heard a song in Russian at my friend's movie premiere, and when it was played again, I could sing along. I can still sing it, and I don't know Russian.
-I have a gift with foreign languages. I can somewhat read any Romantic or Germanic language. I even saw Russian once, and could read it.
-This is probably more than anyone ever wanted to know about me
-I would stop now, but I can't
-I love the television show Charmed
-I play piano and guitar. I have a habit of picking up my guitar, and playing random notes for hours until my fingers are literally raw, and I can't touch anything.

I'm going to stop now.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:12 am 
Beyond Godly
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Qanda wrote:
rachel wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
teh0mega wrote:
I'm a big believer in conspiracies and believe that the world is not what it seems. Not as in beliveing that aliens are invading our minds, but believing in Government cover-ups, super-advanced technology already in use by super-powers, etc.

Same here. Ask me about my theory concerning the Epstein Barr virus sometime.

you've got me intregued... whats your theory concerning EBV?

*Raises hand* I'm intrigued too... if only I knew what it means first. :P

Oops, I misspoke. I mean Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Which is often misdiagnosed as Epstein Barr virus. I had it back in the late 1980's. It came out of the blue and I was not myself (an understatement) for about 6 months. I first noticed it when I was reading a case for a law school class--in fact, read it several times and really knew it. And, then an hour later in class, when the teacher was talking about it, I had no clue whatsoever about what he was talking about. Didn't recognize the name. It was it if I had never heard of the case before--yet I had examined it in intensity just an hour before that. Talk about scared.

I thought I was going senile. It felt like my brain wasn't processing things correctly--I was forgetting everything. And, so, so tired. In fact, I got so scared that I basically never went out of my house without someone with me. I was afraid to cross the street because I felt that I might forget to look both ways before crossing and get hit by a car.

My doctor at the time took blood tests and said it was Epstein Barr virus. Other doctors later told me that it appeared to be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

And, I am not a freak or crazy person. I wasn't doing drugs or having a mental problem. And, after it passed (about 6 months in total), I never had anything like it again. But, am terrified that I will. I am not alone. There were many people like me who had this same problem around the same time I did--famous people, too. The songwriter Randy Newman ("Short People") is one that comes to mind.

It was a completely debilitating illness that affected hundreds of thousands of people for weeks, months, and for some years. Yet, you never heard anything about it--or very little about it--while it was happening. And, nothing from the government to ever explain it. And, it only seemed to happen during the late 1980's--never, ever hear about anyone having it today. Or if so, not in the numbers of people who had it in the late 1980's.

At the time, I was going to law school right next door to a famous medical school. And, I honestly have to wonder if it wasn't the result of some experiment with a disease that somehow went awry. Or an bacterial strain that somehow escaped the lab and contaminated people. After hearing the crud today about deadly flu strains being mistakenly sent to various labs around the world, I just have to shake my head and wonder if the disease I got wasn't part of a a huge cover-up.

Someone wrote a book on the whole thing entitled "Osler's Web" if you ever feel like checking it out.

Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?

Last edited by Morningstar on Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:12 am 
Beyond Godly
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JellyFish72 wrote:
-I love the television show Charmed

Then I love you! XD

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:35 am 
Beyond Godly
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That was scary Morningstar, I will be devastated if my mental capacities were so direly compromised for a prolonged period of time like that.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:21 am 
PPT Warrior
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Wow, Morningstar. I understand better than you might guess, since my wife (who's about your age or a year older) has fybromyalgia -- a lovely little syndrome I describe as a combination of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and rheumatoid pain.

hiddenneggs / Will
"But then again, i think the main reason people invented civilization was to get together and complain about the wild animals eating them." --mousapelli

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:28 am 
Beyond Godly
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shapu wrote:
Medusa wrote:
- I've fractured my leg in two places at once when I was younger.

- I'm not a very good skiier.

I hope those aren't related.

Thankfully they aren't although I'm suprised really considering some of the tumbles I took while skiing. No, I fractured my leg in two places falling a grand total of about 8 inches - I don't think that is much more comfort.

shapu wrote:
rachel wrote:
whats the freshman 15?

A lot of college students gain weight their first year - they're away from their parents, spending more time studying and less time running around than in high school, and the food is usually a little fattier than at home (although if you ate mcdonald's every day as a kid, you might actually lose some poundage). Tack on your first real chance to drink a lot of beer, and you start to build a bit of a winter coat.

I did that, I gained 5kg in my first semester of University because I spend a lot of the time skipping meals and then making up for them by getting junk food from the vending machines. Oh and all that horrid packet pasta stuff. Certainly not something I'd recommend people do if they can help it!

Morningstar wrote:
Medusa wrote:
I bite my nails. According to everyone around me I have gorgeous hands with the exception of my nails. It might be nice to break the habit.

Me, too and hate myself for being so darned weak. I have quit many times and actually had long nails several times in the past that lasted for months. But, then in the end, I destroyed them. Ugh!

Definately, its very depressing not being able to just stop. I usually resort to wearing gloves in winter as often as I can so I can't get to my nails.

Thought of some more things:

I'm named after a character on a television show because as a baby I used to wriggle my nose. Strangely enough the daughter of the character I was named after has the same name as one of the names my parents were contemplating giving me.

My Mum decided not to give me her favourite name because everyone told her that it would be too hard to spell and would cause confusion. She chose a name that theoretically should be easy to spell but people still get it wrong.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:44 am 
PPT Toddler
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Location: The place where penguins rule the earth!
I have three cats.
One of my cats is named Willy -
I am allergic to home made pumpkin soup.
I repeatedly spell maybe mabye.

Errr, I'll add more later maybe....

Set by Me.

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