Oh, and:
I used to want to be an astronomer.
Two people I'm going to high school with I also went to elementary school with, and one year of middle school each. Separate middle schools, though.
At the moment, I want to either be an actress, work for WETA Workshop (well, I
am majoring in Stage Production at the arts high school I'll be going to in the fall), or work for Pixar when I'm an adult. Entertainment industry is probably where I'll end up, anyway.
One of my hobbies is creating insults. I'd prefer to think I'm witty and intelligent, but unfortunately, speed is not something I'm very good at, when it comes to rapid-fire insults. I suck at that. "You're a disgusting, horrible, four-eyed freak, Alex!" "Yeah, well. Well. Uh, you're a parasitic parasite! Er, yeah. Well, you suck, anyway."
When speaking, I stutter, mumble and usually just say half-thoughts. Speech is not my medium of choice. Pen versus sword, I say.
I broke my arm once in fourth grade.
I used to play the violin.
I used to play the flute.
I wanna go to Hogwarts. =( Bah to the Salem Witches Academy, I say! (Okay, so this really isn't a surprise to anyone.)
I can rant about absolutely anything, even if it's something I love.
I had braces from third grade to the end of fourth grade.
I started wearing glasses in third grade.
I am wholly untalented.
Right now, my hair resembles one giant dreadlock, as I haven't brushed it in three days. Three days, and it's already mega-tangled.
Yes, I did download Scholastic's desktop countdown-to-HBP thing.
I am absolutely terrified of the very thought of the Harry Potter books being over.
I've only been out of the US once, to Haifa, Israel, when I was in the sixth grade.
My dad used to work for NASA, but then the economy died and he was laid off.
When my dad worked for NASA, we got to see a shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral. =D
Currently, both of my parents are teachers.
My mom's a government employee. Not FBI or anything- she teaches at a Uniformed Services university.
What else...
Um, I drew two hearts and a star on my left hand yesterday.
Silja wrote:
[*]Back at home in Finland I am quite a messy person, when I leave the house I become the tidiest one of all.
[*]Animals, both wild and tame, are so much better than people according to me. This is also the reason why I'm rather anti-social.
[*]Talking on the phone is one of my phobias.
I'm the same for all of those.
Xil wrote:
...Alex wrote:
I am an obsessive, theorizing, shipping (putting two characters together. A fan of a certain couple... Gah, you know.), canon fairy-ing Harry Potter fan, and have been so since just after PoA came out.
hehe, GBH?
Xil wrote:
...Alex wrote:
I'm the Grammar Fairy.
can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a
