{ I think lionheartwitty might be moving, it was in the Misc. Disc. board. Requiem and Mandy are nowhere to be seen, though. Anyways, jade I'm coming!! =P Another long post! (ok this is freaky. Raynault now reminds me of Dumbledore...) Lots of plot here, hope it helps, Lilac! }
Shade was roused from his thoughts as the carriage stopped aruptly, the screeches of wheels accompanied by the rather frightening neighs of horses. His father and mother shuffled out of the carriage, and Shade hurriedly stuffed the golden book into his backpack before following his parents. His father held onto his arm as Shade descended down the steps, and for a second, Shade met his eyes, and felt a deep love for him that would never diminish. Returning his father's smile with one of his own, he quickly stepped down. The messenger was impatient. Slipping off one of the horses (another man, who Shade assumed to be the driver, was seated on another horse), he walked to the door of the small house in rather large strides, arms swinging grandly as well. He stopped in front it and knocked loudly three times.
"Come in," said Raynault's voice. The messenger opened the door and made gestures for them to come in hurriedly. Shade stared at him. He was a bit taller than himself, and he couldn't help notice his rather strange amber eyes.
Raynault noticed their approach. "Clien. Please show Shade's parents to the dining room and make them a nice cup of tea. I would like to speak to Shade personally." Turning his back on the group, he made a beckoning motion with his arm, and headed upstairs. Shade willingly followed, footsteps echoing in the dim stairway.
Raynault opened the door, which was embedded with a design of a glass star, summoned a bit of light in his arms and infused it into a large rock, so that it emitted light and brightened the whole room. He sat down onto a couch facing the window, and motioned for Shade to come next to him.
Shade stepped forward, apprehensive. As he approached Raynault's right side, he noticed a small tear on his cheek, sliding down his white beard, finally landing on the ground. If it did make a sound, Shade thought, it would have been a very soft sound of light indeed. And it would echo on and on forever...
"My elder brother, Renault, has just died."
Shade was silent for a moment, then moved in front of his tutor and hugged him. "He didn't suffer much, did he?"
"No, he didn't. He died of old age."
Shade squeezed his tutor tighter, burying his head into Raynault's long blue cloak.
Raynault sighed. "Although his life has ended, this does not mean he had not put it to good use. Death is not always a bad thing," he added, managing a smile. "But he will live on in the hearts of the people that love him." Raynault slipped his hand through the handle of the cup, taking a long sip.
"He made a prophecy before he died."
"A prophecy?"
"A prediction of the future," Raynault said simply. "It concerns you, I believe."
"Yes, you. You and the Shadow."
"The Shadow?"
Raynault smiled. "You have many questions, Shade. Mind you, keep on asking them. I want you never to stop." Taking another sip of tea, he continued. "The Shadow. The ruler of the Dark. As it says in the prophecy."
"Can I see the prophecy?"
"The prophecy was made as he was dying. Unfortunately, there was only one witness, as his student was away on an excursion with his parents at that time. This witness was his grandson, Clien. He was visiting him at the time. He did not remember everything he heard, and could only recall some of the more important parts."
"So... that man downstairs is your brother's grandson?"
"Yes, Shade. He is only sixteen, barely older than you are."
"How was I referred to in the prophecy?"
"You were referred to as the Peacekeeper of the Light and the Dark. Clien heard this and he thought about you at once."
"Shade, I will explain later, but you will see that it makes perfect sense. I had to contact you as soon as possible, as anything could have happened at any second..."
Tap. tap. tap. Raynault and Shade looked simultaneously to the window. There, hovering in the air, was a crow, beak tapping urgently against the glass of the window.
"Ah... fate calls." Raynault strode to the window and opened it quickly. The crow flew it and circled Shade's head, than flew back out of the window, squacking loudly. Shade looked at Raynault, who looked back at him with his deep blue eyes. "He wants you to follow it. Go. I will explain to your parents."
Shade nodded, muttered a quick goodbye, and ran downstairs, pushing open the door and shutting it again. He held his jacket close to his body, as the wind was picking up and it was getting rather cold. Outside was dark, and he could hardly pick out the crow from against the purple sky, but instead followed the sound of its cries. Where am I going? Why do I have to go? he thought, but wasted no time. It became apparent later that he was approaching Caress's house. It made perfect sense. Caress must have communicated with the crow and asked it to come get him. Get me for what? he thought, and remembered how Caress had ran away so quickly before. Come to think of it, I remember a crow there, squacking before she left. He picked up his pace. "Caress!! I'm coming!!" He shouted out loud.
Reaching her house, he flung open her door, using his other hand to summon up an orb of light. Caress lay on the ground, her hair spread over the ground, her eyes closed. The light from his orb illuminated her face in a strange way, and Shade feared that she might be dead. It would all be his fault... why didn't he follow her to see what was wrong? The Nearby lay a boy... trapped in a black... bubble? Shade approached Caress, pushing her body carefully. "Caress!! Wake up!! Wake up!!"
{ I used the word "door" so many times there! I don't have plans for this "Shadow" guy, but still =P. }
Last edited by Divine on Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.